This is a question that many women are being forced to answer.
They are at a loss as to what to do when their boyfriends have said time and again that they are not ready to settle down and commit to them and get married.
At this stage there is nothing you can do except to make your feelings, wants desires and emotions a priority.
You cannot force your guy to want to commit to you or to marry you.
He either feels ready or he does not.
He either feels like he is the one he wants to settle down with or he does not.
So at this point, you have two choices:
1. You can stay with him and hope that a light bub goes off in his head and that he realises that you are indeed the woman that he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
Just bear in mind that the light bulb could go off this year, next year or maybe in five or ten years...
2. Depending on how long you have already waited, you may decide to call it quits with him.
In the end the choice is yours.
Over time I have learnt that even if you tell a woman that she may be better off leaving a guy to his own devices if he just isn't ready to take the next step, it's only when she realises that she probably is better off doing that will she leave.
In the end it is up to you. It's your call...
Just ask yourself , what would make you happy right now?
What if there was some valuable information that you could use for future reference that could tell you exactly what it means when a man says that he is NOT ready to get married?
Click here to watch the video which might probably make the difference between you getting married sooner or later or at all!